Lazy SJ

Lazy SJ

I'm really enjoying blogging about different things at the moment and talking about things other than kink. A few people have told me that it really gives them insight into my personality and makes them feel more relaxed and less anxious about contacting me. This, paired with me actually enjoying it is perfect. So I'm going to continue writing about whatever pops into my head, my weekly life updates and more.

I suppose I've got so used to leading a life which lets be honest is quite public. I'm not shy to write about how I feel or show the real me via my Twitter, Instagram and periscopes. I love sharing my life with you guys and enjoy when people contact me from all over the world just to say they've been following me for years and they feel like they know me. It's amazing how social media can have that sort of impact.

It takes some people time to settle and feel confident enough to be themselfs online. Something which I've recently tweeted about (but that's for another blog) safe to say I'm more than comfortable, far more content and happy. I also enjoy my time with you boys far more these days. Anyway as I say, all that's for another blog.

What have I been up to?

Truthfully? Absolutely nothing! Safe to say I've been quite lazy after coming back from holiday and finding it hard to adjust back into normal working life. The holiday blues have been clinging on with dear life and not willing to let go. Such a horrible feeling! Especially after what's been going on recently in the world all you want to do is escape and not need to think about anything but I guess that's not realistic.

Nothing beats a good afternoon snooze. Unfortunately for me an afternoon kip usually means me falling asleep at say 3pm and not wakening up until 10ish. So,  I'm sat in bed going through the last of my emails looking at the huge pile of clothes on my bedroom floor which will be getting left for my slave to tidy up and fold away. Life really is quite easy for me at times. Hehe!
I've been left to my own devices for 2 weeks in the house which to be honest I'm really looking forward to. Everyone needs some time to themselfs from time to time and I'm going to take this opportunity to really focus on me. Get myself back Into some kind of routine, get into swimming again and join a few classes at the gym. SJ needs to get her body back!!! :)

Hello timewasters

I've never really been one to be pestered with timewasters, for some reason they like to avoid me which is great! But the past few days I have had atleast 4 trying their luck. It seems to be that these timewasters prefer texts to email or phonecalls (hence why I never normally respond to text messages unless I know you) Why have they chosen to target me now!! Is it something thats been sprayed in the air in June thats made all the little losers appear? Lucky for me I have major timewaster radar skills and can suss them out pretty much instantly. So if you are reading this and you are one of the four that's contacted me in the past few days now you know why you have been ignored. Move along you are wasting YOUR time.


Many have been asking why my clip site hasn't been updated for a while. I've been having some issues with clips for sale for quite some time now which I'm hoping will be resolved in the next few weeks. Don't worry, I'm definitely going to be filming again. Expect to see alot more of me by the end of the year.

For those emailing asking about becoming a film slave. Please note I have kept your details and will contact you when I'm ready to film again. (August time)

Speaking of filming I am in need of a good quality camera. You can find the link below to the one I'd like. It's important I have a good quality camera. I will reward the slave that buys this for me. :)

Nikon B500 Coolpix Digital Compact Camera - Plum

Hope you all enjoyed this little unnecessary blog. Expect many more...


Love Miss SJ


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